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New articles of association for the funds
The fund’s articles of association have been amended in connection with the organisational changes in SKAGEN.

In connection with the merger with Storebrand Asset Management AS (SAM), § 1 of the articles of association for all the SKAGEN funds has been amended to reflect the fact that SAM is now the funds’ management company.
Changes have also been made to § 3.3 of the articles of association of all funds to reflect updated legal provisions. Section 3.6 of the articles of association on techniques for portfolio management (previously lending) has been amended in accordance with the recommended text from the Norwegian Fund and Asset Management Association (VFF).
These changes to the articles of association have been approved by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority. The changes have been made without a prior unit holder meeting following a dispensation from the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority and in accordance with § 4-14 (2) of the Securities Fund Act.
The changes come into immediate effect and are reflected in the funds’ prospectuses.