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SFDR classification

The fund invests primarily in Norwegian and Nordic interest-bearing transferable securities. The fund may also invest a proportion of its assets in issuers outside the Nordics.

The objective is to provide the best possible risk adjusted return.

The fund is suitable for those with at least a one year investment horizon.

Subscriptions are made in fund units and not directly in stocks or other securities.  The benchmark reflects the fund's investment mandate. Since the fund is actively managed, the portfolio will deviate from the composition of the benchmark. 

Read about our investment philosophy

Fishermen pulling the net
Oscar Björck, Launching the boat. Skagen, 1884. The painting is manipulated and belongs to The Art Museums of Skagen.
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Last updated:

The fund's mandate was changed with effect from 01.09.22, and the fund's return history prior to that date is not representative of the current mandate.  The fund's benchmark index is a combination of 92 % NBP Norwegian RM3 FRN Index NOK (NORM3FRN) and 8 % NBP Norwegian HY Aggregated Index NOK Hedged (NBPHY). From 01.02.21 to 31.08.22 the fund's benchmark index was a combination of 80 % NBP Norwegian RM2 FRN Index NOK (NORM2FRN) and 20 % NBP Norwegian Government Duration 5 Index NOK (NOGOVD5). From 23.06.20 to 31.01.21 the fund's benchmark index was a combination of 80 % NBP Norwegian RM2 FRN Index NOK (NORM2FRN) and 20 % Oslo Børs (Oslo Stock Exchange) Government Bond Index 5 year (ST5X). The fund's benchmark index prior to 23.06.20 was the Oslo Børs (Oslo Stock Exchange) Government Bond Index 3 year (ST4X). As the latter benchmark index was not fully representative of the fund's risk profile and mandate, the historical performance for the index is not shown for that period.

Start AUM* Min. purchase Benchmark index ISIN
16/09/1994 131 mill. EUR 50.00 EUR 92% NBP Norwegian RM3 FRN Index NOK & 8% NBP Norwegian HY Aggregated Index NOK Hedged NO0008000452
*Data at fund level, inclusive of all unit classes, as of month end. Updated on the 10th of each month.
Ola Bjerkestrand Mo

Ola Bjerkestrand Mo

Portfolio Manager Storebrand Asset Management
SKAGEN Avkastning

as of 28/02/2025 - 33.00 % of all investments

Entra ASA

4.07 %

Sparebank1 SMN

4.03 %

JP Morgan Chase Bank NA, Luxembourg

3.97 %


3.38 %

Eviny AS

3.32 %

SpareBank 1 Sør-Norge ASA

3.23 %

Olav Thon Eiendomsselskap ASA

2.95 %

Sparebanken Sør

2.72 %

Brage Finans AS

2.69 %

Pareto Bank ASA

2.64 %

All investments

Historical returns are no guarantee for future returns. Future returns will depend, inter alia, on market developments, the fund manager’s skills, the fund’s risk profile and management fees. The return may become negative as a result of negative price developments. There is risk associated with investing in funds due to market movements, currency developments, interest rate levels, economic, sector and company-specific conditions. The funds are denominated in NOK. Returns may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations. Prior to making a subscription, we encourage you to read the fund's prospectus and key investor information document which contain further details about the fund's characteristics and costs. The information can be found on Storebrand Asset Management administers the SKAGEN funds which are by agreement managed by SKAGEN's portfolio managers.
