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Bjørn Kåre Kristiansen

Portfolio Strategist

Works within different functions in SKAGEN's portfolio activities.

As part of the Fund Intelligence Team, he communicates SKAGEN's market view. He is also involved in the management of the SKAGEN Select funds.

Kontakt Bjørn Kåre:

Telephone: +47 51 80 37 09


About Bjørn Kåre


  • Joined SKAGEN as portfolio strategist in May 2023
  • Investment analyst at Herfo Finans
  • Technical consultant at Deloitte


  • Masters in Industrial Economics and Technology from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Historical returns are no guarantee for future returns. Future returns will depend, inter alia, on market developments, the fund manager’s skills, the fund’s risk profile and management fees. The return may become negative as a result of negative price developments. There is risk associated with investing in funds due to market movements, currency developments, interest rate levels, economic, sector and company-specific conditions. The funds are denominated in NOK. Returns may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations. Prior to making a subscription, we encourage you to read the fund's prospectus and key investor information document which contain further details about the fund's characteristics and costs. The information can be found on Storebrand Asset Management administers the SKAGEN funds which are by agreement managed by SKAGEN's portfolio managers.
