SKAGEN Focus: Looking below the radar to find ESG’s future leaders
By: Jonas EdholmWhy neglected small-caps driving real-world changes can be the big winners of the green transition.
Why neglected small-caps driving real-world changes can be the big winners of the green transition.
Our global small and mid-cap fund has won several international awards in recognition of its strong long-term performance.
Distorted valuations at both ends of the equity market capitalisation spectrum create risks for herd-following investors but huge opportunities for those who ...
We are specialists in contrarian global small and mid-cap stock picking. We believe that going against the mainstream or consensus is necessary to produce ...
Foes become friends: How five forces that challenged value stocks are now driving its resurgence.
So far in 2021, SKAGEN Focus has received no less than five buy-out offers for various companies across the portfolio. This has been highly profitable for our ...
Our high conviction global equity fund SKAGEN Focus delivered a strong return in the second quarter and added several new positions.
A year ago, the contrarian value investor seemed on the brink of extinction. SKAGEN Focus portfolio manager Jonas Edholm examines why value investing might now ...
Following a very strong last quarter for the fund, SKAGEN Focus posted a solid absolute return for 2020.
Following a decade in the wilderness, value investors like ourselves may finally be witnessing the beginning of a major turn in the investment cycle. We ...
SKAGEN Focus performed strongly in the third quarter, outstripping the underlying equity markets and essentially de-coupling from value averages, which have ...
How unpopular equities can rediscover their unconventional success.