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The remuneration scheme is consistent with Chapter 15 of the Norwegian Financial Institutions Act and Chapter 15 of the Norwegian Financial Institutions Regulation on remuneration schemes for financial institutions, investment firms and securities fund management companies.

Fixed salaries for employees are based on the individual’s background and position. Fixed salaries for leading employees and for employees whose duties are of major importance for the company's risk exposure must be sufficient to ensure that the employee is not dependent on variable remuneration. In addition, SKAGEN has a profit-sharing programme for its permanent employees. A defined proportion of the company's profits are distributed by way of discretionary remuneration.

Discretionary variable remuneration is awarded following an assessment of the employee's contribution to the company, including achievement of previously determined targets, responsibilities and compliance with and attitude towards SKAGEN's values. The foundation for any discretionary variable remuneration to managers is their financial and non-financial performance over the last two years.

Half of the variable remuneration to leading employees and portfolio managers is retained and paid out gradually over a three-year period. The retained portion is invested in SKAGEN's securities funds prior to payment to the employee, thus ensuring that the remuneration reflects the value growth of the company's customers. The retained portion must be reduced if profit trends or subsequent company results warrant this.

Board Members receive only a fixed remuneration.

Historical returns are no guarantee for future returns. Future returns will depend, inter alia, on market developments, the fund manager’s skills, the fund’s risk profile and management fees. The return may become negative as a result of negative price developments. There is risk associated with investing in funds due to market movements, currency developments, interest rate levels, economic, sector and company-specific conditions. The funds are denominated in NOK. Returns may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations. Prior to making a subscription, we encourage you to read the fund's prospectus and key investor information document which contain further details about the fund's characteristics and costs. The information can be found on Storebrand Asset Management administers the SKAGEN funds which are by agreement managed by SKAGEN's portfolio managers.
